Provides CareerForth, which visualizes and navigates objective and realistic career paths for young professionals based on job change big data.


In the age of VUCA, young professionals are searching for their mid- to long-term career direction with a vague sense of uncertainty about the future. However, the information they have access to tends to be subjective advice, the experiences of those around them, and interest-based position talk. How might we provide them with objective and fair information from a broader perspective?


CareerForth is a B2B2C customer experience platform that offers business persons a choice of career paths and efficient routes to the future positions they are aiming for. This objective, data-driven communication allows HR organizations and business persons to build a transparent and reliable relationship.


Hiroyuki Narihara 
Food Business Unit


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Founder Focus showcases ventures incubating at Moon.

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Moon Creative Lab, in collaboration with Mitsui & Co., HR & General Affairs division, proudly participated in Mitsui’s 2024 Mission, Vision, Values + Diversity & Inclusion (MVV + D&I) Month initiatives.

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