In the age of VUCA, young professionals are searching for their mid- to long-term career direction with a vague sense of uncertainty about the future. However, the information they have access to tends to be subjective advice, the experiences of those around them, and interest-based position talk. How might we provide them with objective and fair information from a broader perspective?
CareerForth is a B2B2C customer experience platform that offers business persons a choice of career paths and efficient routes to the future positions they are aiming for. This objective, data-driven communication allows HR organizations and business persons to build a transparent and reliable relationship.
Hiroyuki Narihara
Food Business Unit
On Tuesday, August 6, 2024, a startup pitch event called "Boost PITCH & CONNECT" was held at Moon’s Tokyo Studio.
A panel discussion event "Nordic Talks" was held on Tuesday, June 11 at Moon Tokyo Studio. 60+ people from the startup community gathered to discuss how to increase startup success with a large audience of 150+ people watching online via Zoom.
28 ventures have been selected to participate in the second cohort of Boost.