entrepreneurship - Moon Stories Blog

A panel discussion event "Nordic Talks" was held on Tuesday, June 11 at Moon Tokyo Studio. 60+ people from the startup community gathered to discuss how to increase startup success with a large audience of 150+ people watching online via Zoom.

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28 ventures have been selected to participate in the second cohort of Boost.

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16 startups joined Moon to build for traction, receive real feedback from customers as quickly as possible, and potentially earn funding.

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In this Moon Talk!, we hear from two entrepreneurs in the emerging GX industry as they share their key learnings.

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Interview with Moon Creative Lab’s Chief Creative Officer, Mike Peng, to learn more about the vision of Moon Media and what’s to come.

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We recently spoke with two Moon Creative Lab Design Researchers about the purpose and methodologies of design research.

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See how to use design-thinking when thinking through new business ideas and how to create a memorable pitch in highlights from this ILLUMINATE event.

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Hear personal experiences from first-time EIRs attending Space Camp.

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Moon leads startup design workshop events for women around Japan.

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Moon Creative Lab Palo Alto Studio

How Moon and Mitsui are driving innovation for Japan and beyond.

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三井物産グループのベンチャースタジオMoon Creative Labがビジネスデザイン構築をサポートする教育プログラムSparkを8/28〜9/3日に開催新規ビジネス創出に取り組むベンチャースタジオ、Moon Creative Labでは、2024年8月28日(水)〜9月3日(火)の5日間にわたって、Human-Centered(人間中心)の革新的なビジネスデザイン基盤を習得するための教育プログ…

三井物産グループのベンチャースタジオMoon Creative Labがベンチャーの事業成長を加速するBoostプログラム第3期募集を開始新規ビジネス創出に取り組むベンチャースタジオ、Moon Creative Labでは、Human-Centered(人間中心)なアプローチを通じてアーリーステージのスタートアップビジネスにおけるトラクション獲得を目指す3か月間の事業成長支援プログラム「Boost…